July 27, 2024

The Book

Lt. Cullen Wilson

“I Remain, as Ever, Your Kinsman” is available from Amazon.  Below are the chapter headings.

My Book Outline


From Evansville, Indiana to the Crescent City by Steamboat

  • The Island of Cuba:  Splendid Gardens and Narrow Streets
  • An Abominable Place – Across the Isthmus with Pack Horses
  • Ounce a Day Wages – Col. Fremont – Eight Dimes to a Dollar
  • Tar and Feathers for Shipping Agents
  • The Fever for Eldorado Cooled Down
  • $500 a Day for Some; Dull Prospects for Others
  • News from Home:  The Death of their Father
  • The Country is Flooded with Gold Seeker – Daring Exploits
  • Uncle Presley’s Death – In the Dry Diggings
  • Slaves Freed to find Gold for Their New Life in Liberia
  • Wesley’s Death – California Becomes a State
  • Hard Rock Mining – The Future of California
  • Tennessee Kin Lost at Sea While Returning Home
  • What to Do with a Lump of Gold
  • The Grasshoppers ate all the Grass:  Miners become Ranchers
  • “Hangtown” gets a new name:  Placerville
  • The New Californians keep in touch with the folks back Home


Pvt. Allen M. Patton


  • The Crawford County Boys Encounter a Great Character
  • Marching on Hardtack and Fatback
  • Our Boys Can’t Hit the Target – The Rebs Capture Neighbors
  • Rebellion in our own Ranks – and the Courts Martial
  • Regimental Politics – Democracy Frustrated
  • Payday! – And the Regiment is Blooded
  • Searching for the Rebels – Deserters – Goodies from Home
  • Kin in the Rebel Army – Deserters Captured – Winter Quarters
  • Snow, but snug in their Log Cabins – Floors or Siding?
  • The 75 Cent Cook – The “Ducks” get Most of his Pay
  • Butter by Express – The $6 Boots – The Kept Woman
  • The Charley Howe Campaign – $1.25 Pants and 35 Cent Socks
  • Skirmishes with the Rebels – Hot Secesh Biscuits
  • Rush Finds his Brother – Mississippi Sugared Blackberries
  • The 400 Mile March – Echoes of Emancipation
  • Stragglers Captured – Gen. Roscrans Arrives
  • Charley Howe Finally Makes Lieutenant – Sesech Relatives
  • Doomsday Draws Near – He gets his Winter Coat
  • Christmas Eve – and the Last Letter
  • Epilogue